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About Windyridge Woodshop


Windyridge woodshop is me, Paul, and I'm based in Buckinghamshire, UK. I live here with my wife, kids and dogs and have always had a passion for creating things, especially with wood. The name windyridge comes from the area we live in. As we look out over the fields, there is a ridge at the top of the hill called windyridge. From here you can see over 20 miles across North Bucks and Northants, and it is does live up to its name...its really windy...!


I used to do a bit of woodturning when I was at school and really enjoyed it, but as so often happens, life then gets in the way and I didn't touch a lathe for about 25 years. 


After a long time of wanting to have a go again, I finally got myself a lathe in the summer of 2019 and have been getting back into it since then when I get time. Its a great hobby to have outside the day job and i love going into the workshop and losing hours at a time doing something creative.


Though I don't churn out loads of product (I have a full on job and 2 young children), I do now feel I am at a point where I am happy to sell some of the pieces I am creating if people would like them. If you do like any of the items or have a specific thing you would like, please get in touch and we can have a chat. 

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